Again this fall we had an in-barn schooling show. A great time was had by all participants. My students did very well and enjoyed the day. I rode Maple in the dressage classes. His first time doing tests. He was a bit uncertain by improved with each test we did.
We all need patience. Patience makes such a difference when working with animals or humans. Everyone deserves to be given patience. Many of us lack this skill in our lives. Horses have much patience, donkeys even more. Cultivating patience is essential to your Horsemanship Journey.
You need patience with the animal you are working with and learning with. Also you need patience with yourself. We are all in such a hurry to accomplish things that we rush though and push ourselves and then get frustrated when things don't work out well. Many times we need to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt and try again the next day. Learning is a long process and you just can't hurry the results. Every horse will teach you something different and you will benefit yourself by listening to them. You can't force progress, it has to come at its own speed. Sometimes for smaller children may not be physically ready for the progress. Adults may have a harder time with progress due to other commitments and out of shape muscles. . Give yourself a hug and tell yourself you are doing the best you can at this point in time. Allow yourself the learning time. A few years ago I had an accident while leading my horses. Yes, it is probably not safe to lead two at once. I chipped my spine that day and it took awhile to heal. I didn't get an x-ray at the time. Typical horse person, but found out a few years later when I had an x-ray of my back. After that I decided to get a body protector. It would help protect my back in the event of a fall. It really is a good idea as a couple of months later I did fall off and landed on my back. The ring was soft but I was glad to be wearing it. It is kind of like a helmet and will give some protection in a fall. Not a bad idea.
Jenny finally has her summer coat. It takes Donkeys ages to shed out. Horses shed out up here by June usually where donkeys are shed out by August. It takes them more time. Here is Jenny with her summer coat. Still a few hairs left on her shoulders.
aSo Donkeah is finally being started under saddle. He is 6 this year and old enough. He seems to be handling it well although he is not sure about what to do at this point. Time for learning. I hope he will become a nice riding donkey in the future. Donkeys are definitely different than horses. They react differently and they take more time to think about things. They are very self preserving and humans can become very frustrated with the amount of time they take. That is why people call donkeys stubborn because they wait so long to move when they are worried about something. Lots of confidence is needed on their part to become good riding or pack animals. Donkeys seem to see life though a different set of glasses. A dark spot on the cement may look to them like a giant hole to nowhere and they need time to figure it out. Guess thats why people say they do things "On Donkey Time".
So I am back riding again. Throughly enjoying it as I can now ride with no pain. I am riding Arwen as she is doing lessons and taking part in a study about ulcers in horses. She was scoped and shown to have ulcers. I hope to watch the video at some point but I got to the barn to late to watch. :( She likes her new meds and is easy to dose.
I still need to get into better shape but the other day we cantered for several laps around the arena. I am also riding my lesson horses and exercising them between lessons. It is paying of as they are good for the students. I am hoping to do some groundwork lessons as well as that is something everyone should know. Below is me riding Damon, one of the horses that his owner has allowed me to use in lessons. I had my hip replacement on September 23rd. I got a cancellation appointment after I called the surgeons office and said I would take any cancellation time. I thought I might get in around Christmas time but I was lucky and got the 23rd of September. After staying home for 2 weeks and resting I went for my recheck and was allowed to drive so I have been going to the barn since then and coaching, brushing and massaging my horses and doing ground work. I am allowed to ride in 3 months So that is December 23rd. It is getting harder to wait the better I feel but I do want to allow my hip the time to heal.
I am enjoying coaching. I said I would be back in 2 weeks and I was. I have helpers sometimes on busy weekend days but now the horses are all in their winter paddocks it is easier to bring them in. Looking forward to that day when I can start riding again without pain. Thank you to the Facebook group "Hip Replacement for Horse people" for the information and confidence help win having it done and recovery suggestions. Very positive group. I have decided that since I will be unable to ride for several months due to the hip replacement that I will start coaching again. I have always done it off and on but never with regularity. I signed up to become a licensed coach with Equestrian Canada and will work toward the certification for Certified coach. I am mostly interested in coaching beginners and folks who want to get back into riding after a gap of years. My girls will make quiet school type horses and Riva will enjoy the grooming and attention and some walking with smaller people on. They are good to teach on as they listen to me and do as I ask. I am working on a couple of others as well for lessons. Eventually Donkeah may join the group but at this point he is a little to pushy to be led by a child and is not ready for riding yet. Moving on and enjoying meeting new people showing people how fun it is to ride and get to know some horses.
Time passes so quickly. A whole year has gone past since I posted on here. Things change and Covid has changed lots of things. I am so fortunate to be able to be at the farm and play with the horses and care for them. It has made the time of Covid much more enjoyable.
I no longer lease Tucker. We are still friends though. :D I was able to start riding Arwen again as she was sound again. 2021 was spent riding her and doing some Harmony Horsemanship virtual shows with Arwen and Riva. We finished the Level 2 and moving on to Level 3. Donkeys have learned lots and Donkeah is now 5 so he can start to be ridden shortly. I have been playing with Maple one of the rescues from 2 years ago. He came with Jenny the donkey and 4 others. This summer I am playing with Maple and the donkeys. Riva and Arwen are relaxing in retirement and enjoying their summer. Have a great summer. My barn owner very generously allowed me to play with one of the horses she rescued a couple of years ago. His name is Maple and he is a Paint/QH When I first got to know him I met him out in his field. He was not very interested in meeting me and walked away. I waited him out and he eventually allowed me to come near him and give him a treat. It took a few days before he was walking up to me was interested in meeting me. I started bringing him in and playing with him on the ground. He is a nice boy and improving all the time. He was not happy about having his feet done and with practice is so much better about it now. He has learned to stand nicely in the barn and get tacked up with out objecting. He comes to me in the field and is happy to see me now. Food helps. :) He will stand at the mounting block to be mounted and wait while you get on. He is going well under saddle and learning well. Our riding journey is on hold for now due to me needing a hip replacement but we are still playing online and at liberty. Hopefully we can pick up when we left off in a few months.